
The pruning of kiwi: PROTO’s useful tips

  • When pruning a kiwi plant, do not leave more than 17 rods on the plant. The selected rods must have proper room, without overlapping one another, as it is extremely important to allow fresh air and sunlight into our field.
  • Remember always to keep only two arms of the kiwi plant on either side of the central wire. A third arm will be considered as "competitive" with the basic ones only to be weakened after one or two years resulting in the plant producing less. Rods with a diameter bigger than 2/3 of the arm, should be removed.
  • In case of wood diseases, such as touchwood, you must prune in lower height, always on a healthy area of the plant. After pruning plants “suspicious” for wood diseases, do not forget to disinfect your pruning tools using alcohol.

Pesticides Directive No1-2016

Scope: Crimson grapes 

Protect pruning cuts from wood diseases.

Spray after pruning with copper formulas: Copper hydroxide 50% WP (250 gr / 100 lt water) or Bordeaux mixture 20% WP (700 gr / 100 lt water)


Pesticides Directive for apricots No. 1-2016

Scope: apricots

Protection from monilia laxa

The flower parts (sepals, petals, anthers) are extremely sensitive to attack by monilia laxa, and that’s the reason why it‘s recommended to spray at stage C.


Preferred fungicides:

Tradename         Dosage                             Days of waiting, before harvest

Dellan 70WG       100 gr/100 lt of water      28

Chorus 50WG       50 gr/100 lt of water        7

Capta 80WG        150 gr/100 lt of water      21

Thiram 80WG      250 gr/100 lt of water      42


The apricot tree must be protected from monilia laxa throughout the whole duration of bloom (flowering). Instructions will follow.


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